Ducan Diet: recipes, menus, products

the girl lost weight on the Ducan diet

You have taken an important and responsible step towards beauty and health - you are on a diet. The best part about this is that you continue to eat delicious and satisfying and indulge in a variety of dishes, because Ducan Diet offers a menu for a week, thanks to which you will not get bored of monotony. Moreover, this applies to all levels of the diet, even for the most stringent - "Attack".

The Ducan diet: an attack recipe

Since the first stage involves protein foods exclusively, namely meat (veal, beef, horse meat (except entrecote and beef sirloin), rabbit), poultry (you can not eat poultry skin, as well as duck and goose), fish and skim milk, then, and dishes, will consist only of the products mentioned above, without vegetables, fruits and mushrooms.

However, you can use spices (curry, turmeric, pepper, cloves, anise, etc. ), onions, lemon and lemon juice (as a dressing), salt, mustard, soy sauce. With them it is easy to make sauces for meat and fish, marinate chicken, make salads.

What and how to cook

  • Meat and poultry can be boiled, stewed, marinated;
  • We recommend boiling or grilling the fish;
  • Low -fat dairy products are good for themselves and as an ingredient in salads (e. g. eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, and wraps);
  • Seafood is great boiled and in salads.

In addition, you can "improve" the usual recipes. For example, "French meat" is traditionally made from pork, but in the first stage is prohibited. Therefore, as an alternative, we recommend the intake of beef or veal. Therefore, cut fresh meat into thin slices, place on a baking sheet in a preheated oven. Place onion rings on top, sprinkle with spices, sprinkle lightly with soy sauce and sprinkle with garlic. You can add a little diet sauce. At the same time - no tomatoes and cheese, but tasty as usual.

Proceed. After a "strict regimen" (which is actually satisfying and tasty), we move on to a new level that introduces more and more new products into our diet. Let's take a look at them.

Products for the Ducan diet (rating "Sailing", "Consolidation", "Stabilization")

products for the Ducan diet

Meat and insects

  • Spine or shoulder steaks, roast beef, sirloin, thin edges, thick edges, veal escalope.
  • Tongue, kidneys, calf liver.
  • Ham, including chicken (without skin and fat), lean meat, jerky.
  • Games (deer, pheasant, partridge, rabbit).
  • Rabbit or rabbit.

Sea fish

Herring (herring roe), mackerel, sardines, stingray, tuna, cod (cod roe) and haddock, hake, bream, flounder, sole, halibut, catfish, pollock, pollock, blue whiting, mullet, ash, swordfish, brilliant.

River fish

  • perch, salmon (salmon caviar), trout.

Crab stick (surimi)

oat bran for the Ducan diet


  • mussels, clams, lobsters, crabs, prawns, sea cuttings, sea snails, oysters.

Beans and eggs

  • Chicken, chicken liver, chicken, quail. Chicken and quail eggs.
  • Ostrich meat, pigeons, guinea fowl, turkey.

Dairy products

  • Low -fat cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, milk.
  • Cheese: ricotta and quark.

Oat bran

  • 3 tablespoons of oat bran daily.

Vegetables and vegetable proteins

  • Cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, onions, scallions, lettuce, peppers.
  • Radish, beets, rutabagas, radish, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, all kinds of cabbage.
  • Asparagus, artichoke, spinach, Swiss chard, celery, broccoli, soy.
  • Tofu, chicory, peas, fennel, mushrooms, palmito, rhubarb.

Thus, a new level of diet introduces new foods into our diet. The increasingly complex and varied Ducan diet and recipes are open to us. So, now we can cook vegetable stews and fresh salads, make roasted zucchini and eggplant, cook mushroom soup.

Doesn't it sound good? With such an extensive list, you only have to choose the food to be cooked for lunch or dinner.